From 1991, in every group of my retreat, I came to see many having healings by working on the negatives, spritually, mentally and physically,e.g. depression, inability to forgive, acceptance of one`s self .....etc.....cure of asthma, arthritis, ulcers, breast tumors, period pain and long standing sicknesses. After
the purification of the negatives, the prayer experience
becomes much richer and rewarding, as much of the "distractions"
from within are removed. This helps a person to be quiet
at prayer, both physically and mentally. The heart becomes
ready to open up to God in his own terms rather than one's
own selfish interests and hidden motives. The mind is more
spiritually fit to discern the ways of God - to grow in
intimacy with him, with one's self and with others. The
other becomes as important as me.
the working out of negatives helps a person to experience
his own experience of freedom rather than imagine or hear
about others experiences and grow in self knowledge. It
is not as easy as the usual way of retreat where even meditations
are organized by the Director or the talks are more important
than time spent in silence and prayer. Hence, one has to
slog and slog for a real personal experience. Ordinarily
retreats can be very impersonal and working
on the negatives is very very personal, real and not imagined
- the experience is real. working on the negatives, one realizes that self realization
or self liberation is not a one time business and our sub-conscious
is not always that easily penetrated, so the need to keep
working with the help of the Lord.Wholesomeness
cannot be attained unless one goes into the negativities.
Just prayer alone is not sufficient.
In our normal type of retreats, we use the mind actively and rarely enter into the feeling level. We make use of plenty of reflection, imaginations,fantasy, listening to pious explanations of spiritual realities from special persons. In reality, there may be more mental activity than quietening of the mind to go within to find out the actual "ME", which is caught up in the negativities of various types from the conception onward. Unless these negativities are not transformed into positives, our spiritual growth towards inner freedom and liberation are far from being actualized. Many of us are not even aware that the sub-conscious is very important and it is controlling even the conscious mind and thus purifying the sub-conscious is very essentia. We can do a lot with our conscious mind through devotional and ritualistic practices and prayers etc., without touching the core within. Changes in the conscious level may not be of much use unless the subconscious is liberated from its negativities